
How To Make An Outline Template In Openoffice Writer

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Used to other programs, many new users tend make utilise of numbered lists to number capacity, creating many consistency problems in the document.

The method used by Author to number chapters might seem non readily evident, but it is and then simple to use and so powerful that it is easy to get used to it.

Documentation note.png This section of the guide is useful even if there is no need to number chapters, if we only demand to organize them and automate the tabular array of contents or make apply of cantankerous-references: nosotros simply need to click, on the box used to select the numbering, the option "None".

Preliminaries: the Certificate Structure

A complex document can exist fabricated of parts, capacity, sections, subsections, appendixes... This construction is easy to obtain and administer using paragraph styles:

  • Identifying the "Parts" with, for example, the Heading 1 paragraph manner,
  • Chapter titles with Heading 2,
  • Sections with Heading 3,
  • ...
  • The text trunk with "Text Trunk" paragraph mode,
  • Quotes with the "Quotes" paragraph style,
  • ...

This structure is useful not just for format consistency simply also to set up the certificate structure.

Giving a Hierarchy to the Styles

Everything needed is on Tools  → Outline Numbering


To the left of the Numbering tab there is a listing with x "levels" that volition form the hierarchy of styles on the document. Selecting each level it is possible to assign to it a paragraph style, a numbering and a character style to that numbering. For lower styles (from ii on) it is possible to select how many levels need to be shown (the "Bear witness sublevels" pick), obtaining for example a hierarchical numbering similar the following ane:

ane   one.i   1.2   2   ii.ane   2.2   ...        

Dots or other characters used to split up the numbers can be defined on Separator, Earlier/Subsequently. Information technology is possible to write whole words similar "Chapter", "Section", etc. for this character and the same character mode selected for the numbering will be applied.

The paragraph styles selected on this carte volition exist used to automatically generate the table of contents for the certificate. The Position tab works the same manner that the same tab for the numbered lists.

Documentation caution.png It is recommended that when numbering chapters with this method to be certain that the corresponding paragraph manner does not have an associated indent and use the indent from the this menu.

Adding More Styles to the Bureaucracy

The menu Tools  → Outline Numbering simply accepts one paragraph way for each level, but on Author it is possible to take an capricious number of styles for the same level. To add styles it is necessary to edit the paragraph manner and on the Outline & Numbering tab select an outline numbering level


Documentation note.png These styles cannot be numbered with the Tools  → Outline Numbering tool: to number them information technology is necessary to utilize list styles. See below.

"Continuous" Numbering

Author does non let outline numbering equally the post-obit one:

          1  1.1  1.two  ii  2.iii  2.iv  ...        

i.due east., when changing the value of i "level" the level below information technology does not restart. Sometimes this kind of numbering is needed in literature. A possible workaround is to use Tools  → Outline Numbering only for the manner on the first level, leaving the numbering for the second level on "None". Then, editing the paragraph fashion used for the 2nd level, selecing "Numbering Fashion" under Outline & Numbering tab a list style with the proper configuration.

Documentation caution.png Exercise not mix numbered lists with outline numbering in the aforementioned paragraph style because the methods are incompatible.


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